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Shadowscapes Tarot


SHE FEELS THE walls closing in on her, oblivious to the fact that she is not completely surrounded-there is the wide world open to either side! The skies cry with songs of beauty and freedom, but she tucks her head down to hide in fear, bound within walls and shackles, though it is only a thin thread that binds her, red as her heart's blood, and the key is so close, so close . Look up! you wish to cry at her. Raise your eyes and look around!

But her ears are deaf to any voice but that of the Devil. All she hears and feels is the Devil dancing above her, driving her, goading her, pressing down upon her. Tap tap tap goes the dancing of his hooves in a merry mocking rhythm. Tap tap tap in the seductive patterns of entrapment of the willing. Tap tap tap he dances, and he laughs with the knowledge that it is with such ease he can hold a vibrant spirit captive.

Look up! Faintly, the voice pierces through the stones and seeps up into her body, and she reaches out.


Losing independence addiction and enslavement, caught up in the material realm, overindulgence, choosing to stay in the dark, pleasures, lust, and desire. Feeling hopelessness close in and limit the options. The Devil plays on your desires with a masterful touch. Break free from the puppeteer's strings by looking beyond the material blockades ard temptations.